Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Okay, to start I don't want any hate mail after I say this (especially from the Freezer section of my fan club) but I am cold.

It is 55 degrees, overcast and windy, and I am freezing. I would turn on our heat in our house but it only has 2 real options..... On and Off. On makes it really warm, off doesn't (of course). What I really need is a blanket, but I sealed them all up in vacuum storage bags and don't want to go through reasealing them. Maybe I should just go make another pot of coffee......


Cyndy said...

I'm with you...yesterday was great! in the it is 43. I know there is no sympathy for me, but it is cold, especially with such a big overnight change!

MandySue said...


Anonymous said...

That was an un-necessary cruel post to those women reading from the artic tundra :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah listen to Susan!!! UNnecessary!!! and mean

Bev said...

Shut yo trap! LOL