Sunday, January 27, 2008
I hate jet lag!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Headed back to the States
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Just another day in paradise
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wine review
Tough Break
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
One more, then I am caught up
All I can say is WOW
Bloggers Annonymous
The family and I had a pretty nice weekend. We left the base, drove down to the Marine base to find where we had to take the car for our registration decal. That was an event! If you ask anyone for directions here they say it is just up the road, but the main gate is under construction and we have to rely on word of mouth or a really sketchy map of streets that aren't named or numbered very well.
We tried to find this same base 3 weeks ago and eventually did after circling the fence for 30 minutes, so I asked my neighbor. "There has to be an easier way onto Foster.... isn't there?" and she said to just go up the road and turn left the gate is right there!
So on Saturday we left.... went up the road.... and turned left. We ended up on the same twist road we were on the first time we tried to find it. Fortunately, we knew where we were going from there. Then drove on the base to find all the different gates. And you know what we found? All we had to do was go up the road and turn left.... One street after we turned!
We now have the drive to the marine base mastered! After Foster, I directed Lyle to Naval Kadena, a shopping area close by. That I could find after only being shown once, in the dark. It is shopping, ya know, and they have a 100 Yen store. I could have found it blindfolded!
Lyle liked the grocery store, and the Wal-mart type store, and of course, we all loved the 100 Yen store. Because our stuff hadn't arrived yet, I just walked and built my shopping list for next weekend. Chris wanted to look at the video arcade that was on the second floor so we headed over there. The Japanese seem to REALLY like the claw games. There were more claw games than anything else in there.
When we were done there, we decided to do a little more exploring in the car and drove the coast line until we saw a highway sign leading us home. It was a nice day out and I feel a little more comfortable venturing off base.
Friday, January 11, 2008
You've got Mail
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Christmas Gift has arrived
This watch, when worn with the GPS attachment tells me with every step exactly how far I have traveled, keeps track of my pace, and averages the two. I can keep a running total, or start fresh with every day. I wore it to walk up to housing to get my Business Approval letter and found out it was .81 miles round trip! Only drawback is it doesn't work in my house (too much concrete I guess) which is bad considering hos many trips I take up and down those stairs every day. Germany here I come :)
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
My favorite things
We received our unaccompanied baggage yesterday. And while we probably won't need the 12 blankets that showed up, the sheets and towels were very necessary :)
Of the items that were in this shipment, a few of them made me smile and I wanted to share them with you:
Eeyore, for my car.... Lyle doesn't think it is very Manly, but it is my car too right?
My bobblehead moose, because even Okinawa needs a moose.
Wireless Router....Very important for my internet sanity!
My yoga ball, yet to be inflated
The crystal bear that Lyle bought me at the mall, before we moved into our first apartment. It has hung in EVERY home we have ever had.
Laundry baskets. My laundry accumulates upstairs, the washer is downstairs. These were highly anticipated.
And last but not least, the wall art every Air Force wife understands.
There was nothing lost and nothing missing. Let's hope that bodes well for the full shipment, due in a week (or two).
Friday, January 04, 2008
Crafter's Hell
Thursday, January 03, 2008
What I want to take home from Japan!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
No Picture, just a quick story
She told me about EVERYTHING going on here on the island. She has been here for almost 2 years and has explored the island from tip to tip. Her main piece of advice was "Don't do it all right away, or you will spend the last half of your tour wishing you had something to do". She also offered to take me out and show me a few sites.
Last night she stopped by and we left for a quick jaunt out gate one. She drove me around American Village, pointed out the "Gentleman Massage House", showed me the Monkey store (it's like a home depot, but we haven't told the kids yet, let them think we are going to buy a monkey), a 100 yen store (Love it!!!), and best of all a little grocery store.
I could have spent hours just walking up and down the short shelved aisles with my little basket. Unfortunately, I left my family without dinner and my tour guide was waiting. That is definitely on my list of things to do when I get to drive the car after the kids are back in school.
I missed having my normal sidekicks with me as I walked around all the shops. I could hear each of you make a comment or two in the back of my head!
I also signed up for a conversational Japanese class at the community center. I just want to be able to say excuse me and thank you without sounding like a complete moron. Apparently that takes four 1 1/2 hour sessions (and $22).
I did get the sound removed from the video, but I must have done something wrong since it created a file 10 x its normal size. Because of it's size YouTube won't accept it. I will keep trying or I will just get Lyle to drive again and we won't talk this time.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year's Day
Today starts my virtual walk to Germany. Of Course, any miles that Germany walks will be added above, making my job a little easier!
We brought in the new year in quiet. A trip to see Tops in Blue, then home for dinner, games and a movie. I am ashamed to say I didn't make it until midnight. I fell asleep on the couch at about 11:15, but the rest of the family made it! I am going to blame my body clock. Since coming to the island I have been in bed before 10 on almost every night, so midnight was too much of a stretch for me.
I have video of our first off island driving experience. I am trying to edit out the sound before posting it. I don't think you want to hear our normal family babble as we drive down the road.
I hope you all have (or had) a wonderful New Year's celebration.