Friday, June 27, 2008


While Lyle was home for lunch there was a knock at the door. Lyle said "It's for you" which made me wonder what he was up to.

I amswered the door to find Rita (and the kids)!!!!!

She came in on a civilian flight so she was a day earlier than I thought she would be. We spent the afternoon catching up, ate a spaghetti and meatball dinner, and let the kids play Wii.

Sorry, no pictures, by the time I thought of the camera Rita was dozing off in the chair :)

Now if only the rest of you would get orders.....


Tanya said...

I did, remember? before you....I only wish we could have kept them:(

Susan said...

Um, I got orders before you too...only in the opposite direction. hehe

Eleanor said...

Orders are common around here, too! Mike orders me to do this and Mike orders me to do that--he is great at giving orders! Our biggest blessing this summer has been the addition of Brittany and Max to our workforce. Brittany is Dawn's 14 year old granddaughter who works for us two days a week and Max is a 40 year old Iraq veteran who works for us four days a week. Mike is in his glory with giving them orders and teaching them how to do things " the correct way"! Meanwhile I get to spend quality time on the deck reading and doing whatever I care to do for the days they are here. Thank God for them!