Saturday was a nice day. I invited Rita over for a little scrapping and dinner. We hung out for the afternoon, while Lyle went golfing then had a nice grilled chicken, salad, bread and rice. 
Sunday was spent shopping and catching up around the house.
Monday we went to the library. Our library here has a TON of non-fiction books, but is lacking when it comes to novels. Fortunately, they have a book exchange shelf that I use everytime we visit. This time I hit paydirt! Three of the books on my to read list, all in hardback! so I stuck them in my reusable shopping bag, went to the checkout with the kids, then left. Tried to anyway. You know those detectors they have by the doors to keep people from walking out with the books? I set those off. Turns out one of my exhange books still has a sensor in it from the Dallas TX Library it was taken from! After the librarian determined I wasn't a major criminal (can you see me in Japanese Prison?) he said I could just keep the book and not to bring it back.
Tuesday I ran the normal errands, but didn't have time for the produce store so the kids and I headed out there today. I bought what looks to be a watermelon, but I couldn't tell from the signs. I looked up the Kanji from the sticker and deciphered the word Tougan, which is Japanese for Winter Melon. I found a recipe to use it in stir fry we might try tomorrow or Friday.
On our way home I stopped at one of the many vending machines to buy us each a drink. You cannot go more than a block without seeing a few of these machines, even out in the farm areas! Chris got apple juice, Steph bought tea, but I tried something new:
Aloe and White Grape Juice. I didn't know the picture of the cubes on the front meant there were chunks of aloe in the drink, so I was a bit suprised at first. It felt like jell-o cubes in my mouth, but was suprisingly nice tasting.
I don't know how I would have reacted to chunks of stuff in my can lol
What happened to Rita's hair. I didn't reconize her right away. I miss you two....
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