Monday, July 28, 2008
It's the little things

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Okinawa World
The highlight of the museum is the snake show. We watched a mogoose race a snake (seperate water tubes so no drama), watched the handler irritate a cobra and saw a real live Habu attack! I recorded it to share with all of you. The show is completely in Japanese and I only understood the words Habu, Mongoose, and Kudasai (please) so this is a guess, but the white balloon is filled with cold water and the pink balloon is filled with warm. To prove the point that the snake can't see, but will strike when a warm object comes close.
After we finished up at Okinawa World, we stopped for ice cream at our favorite spot, Blue Seal. Today I tried Honey ice cream. It was very, very good. And we even took a picture this time:
Then it was time to head home so Lyle could get dressed for his work thing tonight. My goal was to stamp, but the kids wanted Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies to take to church tomorrow so I am baking instead. Either way my inner Martha is satisfied :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Full Friday
For dinner tonight I decided to try the stir fry recipe I found for that Winter Melon I bought. Just in case, I also bought soba noodles so we wouldn't starve :) Cooked, the winter melon doesn't really have a taste kind of like a soft water chestnut. Raw, it tastes like the white part of a watermelon rind. Either way no one thought it was worth buying again and the kids were happy to have soba noodles.
After dinner, since it is Friday, Lyle and I went for a longer than normal walk. We walked up the exercise trail, named the Habu Trail. I was a little nervous since it was getting dark, and the trail is unlit (and near the jungle). We made it off the trail without an incident and stopped to get ice cream at the Baskin Robbins. Hey, we did just walk up hill for over 3 miles, we deserve it! While walking home from BR a car sped past us, braked, and reversed. We weren't sure what they were doing until we heard the bump and thud. Then we saw the Habu Snake! Our first Habu snake, in the middle of the road, right on our normal walking route! It was not huge at 2-2 1/2 feet, but it was enough to make us jumpy for the rest of the walk home.
Now it is time to curl up on the couch and relax for the evening. See you all tomorrow!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Bad Blogger
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Strangers
Since the kids had their own plans on Friday, Lyle and I decided to go to the movies and see "The Strangers". For those that haven't seen the previews it is a scary movie. In fact Lyle and I agree that it was the best scary movie we have seen in a VERY long time. I didn't let go of his hand throughout the whole movie (or he wouldn't let go of mine, LOL). Since it opens with the lines "Based on actual events" I had to do some research after I got home. Mostly to set my mind at easy that the "bad guys" haven't moved to Okinawa :)
While looking up the names and dates shown on the movie screen I found that there was no murder of Kristin McKay or James Hoyt on February, 11 2005 but there was a grisly murder in a remote cabin on April 11, 1981 (check out http://www.cabin28.com/).
I also found a commentary from the director on the official website (http://www.thestrangers.net/):
"As a kid, I lived in a house on a street in the middle of nowhere. One night, when our parents were out, someone knocked on the front door, and my little sister answered it. At the door were some poeple asking for somebody that didn't live there. We later found out that these people were knocking on doors in the area and, if no one was home, breaking into the houses. In The Strangers, the fact that someone is home does not deter the people who have knocked on the door; it's the reverse."
Either way, it is a scary movie I would recommend to any horror lover!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Steph's Bday Recap

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Stephanie!
Today is Stephanie's Eleventh birthday! I spent a few minutes (okay an hour) looking for pictures of her first 11 years to post and it struck me how fast time goes by. Over her lifetime Stephanie has lived in 7 different homes in 3 different states and 2 different countries, and she isn't done yet! She is still asleep so I don't have a picture of her at 11, but there will be one by the end of the day today.
Monday, July 14, 2008
When in Japan...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
It has been so long since I felt an earthquake it took a second for me to realize what was happening. The kids were out delivering papers, so I called Lyle to see if he felt it too. It was a 6.0 according to this web site:
But nothing moved from it original location, no cupboards opened and no damage was done.
Chris and Stephanie didn't even notice since they were outside! Funny since both had been concerned about earthquakes since we got here!
We spent Sunday afternoon at Torii Beach. This has quickly become our favorite swimming beach because of the gentle waves, soft sand, and shallow swimming area. The only drawback- no dogs. I took pictures as the sun was setting and thought you might enjoy watching.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
What I have been doing-
And we have been playing the Wii. We got Boom Blox (made by Steven Spielberg) and we are all addicted. This is one of the best games we have played as a family in a while!
I have dreams of Stamping and Scrapbooking one of these days, I actually got my Power Layout box out today, but instead of working on layouts I spent my craft time getting the kids to journal their own albums. Chris finished 2005, Steph only has a few pages left. I on the other hand have quite a bit to do on the family album.
Only 55 days of summer left :)