Saturday, March 01, 2008

Potluck Anyone??

Yesterday I prepared two different items for two different potlucks. Lyle has a Hail and Farewell at work, and I had a scrapbooking event, both required a potluck item.

I, personally, take the word POTLUCK as a challenge. I pull out my recipe file, look through to find the best of the best. I never try new recipes for a potluck, and I absolutely NEVER stop and buy a bag of chips for a potluck (unless it is accompanied by a homemade dip). This is my chance to have people OOOH and AAAH over something I made. I love to hear, "who brought the .......".

So I made a tortellini pasta salad for Lyle's event since he was asked to bring a side. It turned out great and he brought back almost empty bowl. I asked what other people brought, because I am always curious and everyone else brought Deli potato Salad, bags of chips, deli coleslaw and bakery cookies nothing else homemade.

Then I went to my scrap event. This was a free evening, the only requirement was a potluck dish to share. I decided to bring a sandwich ring, I thought about dessert but since I am watching the diet again, healthy was better. I walked in, and unwrapped my sandwich on the poluck table. The table was covered with bags of chips..... nothing else. And everyone was suprised that someone actually took the time to prepare something. I got the OOH's and AAH's I was after, but I was pretty disappointed that I didn't get to try someone else's best recipe.


MandySue said...

Trust me, we miss ooohhing and ahhhing over your dishes too!!! Mmmm, tortellini pasta and sandwich rings.

Ellen said...

Seriously, what ever happened to people wanting to make good food for these events. I am the same way -- wanting to make good food and hearing the ooh's and aah's. The best part of going to a potluck is trying other's good food, not eating bag after bag of chips!

Tanya said...

All of my new neighbors love your crab and artichoke dip and the brocolli cauliflower salad so far! We just had a barbecue last night since it was 70 degrees and I made the salad again, yummo! Now we are bracing for snow, hmmmm, weird.