Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mail Day Update

I did receive another package of pictures the same day... Yes I went back to the Post Office twice in one day! This package had my four 12 x 12 page prints. After that, nothing. Until last night. We checked the mail just after 5 pm, the package window closes at 5. I have 3 happy mail slips in my box, but I have to wait until the window opens at 10 am this morning. I hope they are my pictures, because I have been in the scrapping mood for days with no photos.


Anonymous said...

I remember waiting for the window to open. And yes I would go there sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. They put mail out ALL day long.
So what was in your packages. Pictures?

Anonymous said...

Heather, you need to tell Terri she is NOT ALLOWED to comment before me. *snort*

ItsJustMeHeather said...

Yes it was two BOXES of pictures and a box holding my brand new true 12 x 12 album and pages. Now Terri, consider yourself warned!

Anonymous said...

Haha Susan!!!!!!!!