I have to talk about my bff in Germany, Susan. It seems that even tho we are on opposite sides of the globe we still have a special connection. We both have often joked that I want to be her and she wants to be me when we grow up.
A little history about how we met: I had a table set up at a craft event, selling my Creative Memories stuff (what else!). And another friend (Sarah?) brought a new girl by, introduced her to me and me to her. Susan's first words to me were, "You are the one with the beautiful singing voice!" I don't remember my exact reply, but it was something along the lines of "Who told you that!?!". And we laughed.
The next day we talked on the phone and I learned she was still in Temporary lodging, with no computer and would be stuck in lodging for at least another month. I offered up our extra computer (How can anyone go so long without a computer?) and she stopped by to pick it up. We talked for hours about everyday stuff including the schools.
She was complaining to me that some kid stole her son's gym uniform, and I agreed that the child was rotten, how could parents not realize that their kid had someone else's uniform, they all have their names in them, for crying out loud. That night while putting away laundry, Chris brought out "his" gym clothes and said, "these aren't mine"....Yep, you guessed it my son was the thief, and I was the horrible parent that didn't notice.
The next morning I called her to tell her "my funny story", but she wasn't in the mood for funny. Her 2 year old was sick, husband was about to take her to the ER. I offered to take the other kids (she has 4 total). Keep in mind, we had just met and all she really knew about me was my son stole other kids clothes, but she accepted my offer. Later she admitted that she had no idea why she accepted, she NEVER leaves her kids with people, especially people she doesn't even know.
That was how it all started, as we got to know each other, we learned how alike we are- We both love to cook, she had a yen for crafts, we even wore our hair the same (even our hairdresser couldn't tell us apart once).
Now that we are thousands of miles apart, we are still having moments of alikeness (is that a word?). I think of her at least once a day, and think of all the comments she would make to the things I see here. And apparently she does the same. So today's post is dedicated to you, Susan. Pick up that crochet hook, take pictures of your food, and think of me :) I miss you.
1 comment:
*snort* and now they can say, "you know... Heather....the skinny one" LOL
I miss you too, it's like someone cut off my arm....
Gonna bust 800 miles before the end of the year? You ROCK!!
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