After the ceremony and Chris' paper route, we went to American Village and Sunset Beach.
Chris and Steph only got to play in the water for a little while, since the swimming has to end at 6, but a little time at the beach is better than none! Lyle and I walked the beach. After the beach we did a little shopping and got dinner. It was a nice evening out.
Tuesday Chris competed in National History Day. He has been working on his project for over a month. He even let me take a picture!
Although he didn't win, he had a good time.
Sorry it has been so long since i updated. I am going to try to get back to daily posts about nothing. Tune in tomorrow for Potstickers!
Ahha I think I see the resemblance of a cricut on his defintely has uses outside the scrapbooking world!
Yep, that is a Cricut project :) He has a little crafter in him, he played with the sizing and the letters and finished his project at my scrap event a few weeks ago!
I am disappointed in you, you picture taking slacker! If only you would have shared the dog wedding pics to entertain us all :)
And um..hello...nice tan on the kid and great project...makes the other kid's projects look...bad! hehe
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