Friday, May 30, 2008
New Diet Aid
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Korean Yellow Melon
The rainy Season
Lyle had to go out in it to get to work, but my commissary and post office run could wait :) I spent the afternoon with my pictures and paper and laid out another dozen pages. One more rainy day like that and I could have 2005 done.
Today the weather was better. Still hot and humid but hardly a rain drop to be found.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Day at the Beach
We ate our lunch first, since we didn't want to battle sand, then went beach combing. Chris noticed the crab in it's hidey hole first, so we all went back to have a look. For reference, the hole was about 2 1/2 inches in diameter.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Slow day
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Dog Wedding...The video
Today was Marketday, so my whole day was talking to people about scrapbooking. I did get a walk in tho and made it past the 300 mark! Not bad for only 5 months and 24 days :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Tropical Paradise?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
BAM! Yo Joey, I'm a styrofoam cup YO!
Part of being overseas that people don't warn you about is TV. We can buy cable, which is TV recorded on DVD's and replayed 2 weeks delayed. We do get the occasional live item but satellites aren't reliable. We also get free TV via the Armed Forces Network. AFN doesn't have "normal" commercials, we get educational breaks. These commercials are sometimes more entertaining than the show we are watching. This is one of Lyle's favorites!
Potstickers (AKA Gyoza or Dumplings)
The pork and cabbage mixture made WAY more than I expected.
The round Gyoza wrappers were easy to work with and looked nice when folded together. I ended up with 40 potstickers and half a pound of filling left for the freezer.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Same old thing
After the ceremony and Chris' paper route, we went to American Village and Sunset Beach.
Chris and Steph only got to play in the water for a little while, since the swimming has to end at 6, but a little time at the beach is better than none! Lyle and I walked the beach. After the beach we did a little shopping and got dinner. It was a nice evening out.
Tuesday Chris competed in National History Day. He has been working on his project for over a month. He even let me take a picture!
Although he didn't win, he had a good time.
Sorry it has been so long since i updated. I am going to try to get back to daily posts about nothing. Tune in tomorrow for Potstickers!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
This week in Okinawa
The news has been tracking the first threat of a typhoon for Okinawa. Tropical Storm Rammasun (God of Thunder) is supposed to miss us by 500 miles, but it is already bringing wind gusts and bands of rain. Hopefully, we will be able to venture out of the house next week.