Monday, May 28, 2012

Our new home

it is official... our new address will be 113 Broomsedge Lane

Broomsedge, by the way, is a type of grass - not a Harry Potter type reference as my daughter was hoping

This is the house we (meaning I since Lyle was only there in spirit) liked the best.  I cannot wait to sign for it, get our Oki stuff, our North Dakota stuff and start making it home!

And, it is in the school district we wanted.  Stephanie will be going to the newly opened Veteran's High School.  I took a trip to find it to get her a picture of her new school.  The campus is HUGE.  I am sure she is going to have a blast her final three years!

In the meantime, Chris and I have one more day here in Georgia to try to set a few things up for our return.  Then we are headed up to the lake in Michigan for a few days.  I cannot wait for the first campfire!

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