I was going to email this out and then update my blog, but decided I could wipe two things off my to do list with one task!
The deal: Go to my Creative Memories website here and spend $100, then CM will send you 50 (that's right FIVE ZERO) sheets of 10 x 12 cardstock FREE
The fine print: This is only While Supplies Last, Good June 1 - 30, and only one free paper deal per order, BUT you can place as many orders as you want!
The bonus deal: Every order that goes in will be entered into a drawing. I will draw from these entries on July 7th. The winner will receive a bunch of other CM stuff, some yummy (or not) Japanese treats, and a special other suprise from me!
This is also a great time to bring your Memory Manager software into the next generation. You can download the newest Memory Manager to replace your old Memory Manager for only $9.95. This is only good in the month of June so time is ticking. This will deactivate your old Memory Manager, but the upgrades are well worth it (including the option of deleting duplicate files! for me this alone was worth $10!)
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