I have fallen behind..... AGAIN! Now, in my defense, I have been busy with work, home, kids and a hubby that has been working weird shifts over the last week. But in the end it comes down to one thing... FACEBOOK.
You all know what I mean, I sign on my computer with the intent of updating my blog, answering email, posting items for sale on Okinawayardsales.com, but first I have to check Facebook, then just a minute to try to beat Susan's score on Bejeweled Blitz, a second to escape from my latest kidnapper, one quick game of FARKLE. Next thing I know, my day is gone and nothing has been updated, answered or posted.
Enough excuses, on with the update. I took Chris out for a "mom and son" evening, while Lyle and Stephanie went to a Girl Scout function. Both of us had been wanting to try out a place called Gordy's. We had both heard, from different sources, that this was THE place for homemade burgers on island. So we picked up some yen and headed out.
It is a quiet and cozy little place, only a few tables inside and a few more outside. I was a little worried since it was a Friday night and we were one of two small groups choosing to dine there, but we were already committed since the waitress had brought us menus and water. Chris opted for the traditional Cheeseburger set, I went with a Teriyaki Burger, we decided to share an extra side of Onion Rings.
Our meal came with a cup of soup:

It was very similar to a French Onion Soup, without the cheesy, crusty slice of french bread on top.
Our onion rings were super good, with a light beer batter type breading and fresh sliced onion underneath:

Chris with his Cheeseburger. Notice the size of that burger!

My Teriyaki burger came wrapped in it's own paper. Good thing too as it was the juiciest, sloppiest best burger I have ever had (other than my own... of course):

The only thing Gordy's was missing was Malts. These burgers would have been over the top if we had had chocolate malts to chase them down with.
Since there wasn't a dessert menu, we chose to go to our family favorite: Family Mart.
I got the chocolate eclair, Chris got the parfait all for under 400 yen (about $4).

I have since tried to go back to Gordy's on a date with my husband. Once for lunch on a Thursday.... they are closed on Thursday's. And then again on Friday night. Unfortunately we got there at 7:55 and they close for the night at 8 pm. We will be trying again.... soon!