We made a few guesses on the flavor based on the packaging, but then asked one of our Japanese friends to translate for us.
I would love to tell you the flavor, but that wouldn't be nearly as fun as letting you all guess! From the guesses I will pick a random winner to receive this flavor Kit Kat, as well as a few other Japanese goodies.
Just leave your guess as a comment, I will pick a winner Monday 5 pm Okinawa time!
And just to let you know : This Kit Kat is YUMMY!
im thinking lemon poppy seed...
I'm really curious to find out what it is though...
Looks like a lemon poppy-seed muffin. Looks good.
Lemon poppy seed would be my first guess, put the picture looks like coated chunks of something. It's got to be something really weird for her to put it on here... could it be sweet potato? That's my guess. Sweet potato. After trying the watermelon one, nothing would suprise me LOL
I think it is candied sweet potatoe! hehe.
my first thought was banana or poppy seed something
but I agree with Susan and think its sweet potato.
which is strange.
Sweet potato!
only because I cheated and googled it :)
Peanut butter banana?
And yes, I cheated LOL You had to know I would!!! Took me about 15 minutes to find the answer LOL
Well my second guess if the sweet potatoe one from the others is wrong is:
Kit Kat Lemon Chocolate ; Japan (Valentine's limited edition)
Here is the wiki with lots of different flavors, I would love to try the Soy Sauce one.
I'm going with Banana, and thanks for theother goodies they were all yummy. It was going to be a blog but time has passed so fast I forget what we tried and how it tasted :(
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