I don't know where the Japanese go when they are feeling sick, but I know where they go when they are UN-sick and Healthy!
One more before I head off to work:

For those that don't want to take the road less traveled!
I don't know where the Japanese go when they are feeling sick, but I know where they go when they are UN-sick and Healthy!
One more before I head off to work:
For those that don't want to take the road less traveled!
My meal is pictured above. It included Naan (flat bread), Tandoori shrimp, fried fish, salad, seafood curry (the red stuff) and fresh yogurt with mango puree. There was also a crispy flat chip type thing, but I don't know what it was since it wasn't listed in my menu. Lyle's plate looked just like mine except he got two currys (one chicken, one vegetable), Tandoori chicken, and a "Sheek Kebab". The Kebab was ground chicken, seasoned to spicy perfection then pressed onto a stick and roasted. I loved it, Lyle just thought it was okay. But we both agreed the food was wonderful. I even spent some time searching Recipezaar.com trying to find recipes to recreate the meal.
We love set meals because they always feature a restaraunts best dishes, but also for the dessert factor, After we stuffed ourselves on our huge dinner our waitress brought out this:
The clear bowl is Lychee gelatin (YUMMMMM) served with a small bowl of fruit. The red fruit at the bottom is a Lychee. Of course we didn't know that until we got home and looked it up. It has a tough outer skin, but the fruit inside is soft, like a Kiwi.
It was a wonderful night without the kids, and I look forward to doing it again!