Saturday, March 08, 2008

Today's Entertainment

Lyle is working today so I took the kids and the car (and all the yen I could gather) and went shopping. I originally planned on hitting a couple different stores. But after spending 2 hours (and all my yen) at the first one, the kids were done. Here is what 2000 yen ($about $20) can buy:

I bought3 storage bins, one for sauce packets the other 2 are for my spice cabinet, four juice glasses, a harness type collar for Haru, 3 different Sakura Pens, a sketch book, Japanese paper wire, 2 fruit and chocolate bars (banana is YUMMY), Japanese cookies and a packet of japanese greeting cards.
Tomorrow I will get more money and head out again since my bff in Germany is wanting those sakura pens.
The kids are screaming for the chocolate so I have to go claim my share!


Anonymous said...

very cool....but I wanna know...HOW WAS THE CHOCOLATE? hehe

Anonymous said...

OMG is that a 110v outlet I see in the background?