On the right is a picture of my home on Okinawa. We are an end unit which comes with it's pros (only 1 neighbor to share a wall with being #1) and its cons (more yard to mow and the trash bins are on our end). The kids have the windows there on the top front. The lower window is where my kitchen is. The back side is the HUGE living dining room area (larger than my crop room in ND) and above that is the Master Bedroom. Our furniture was delivered last week and for free goverment stuff it isn't bad. The couch and chairs look brand new then only downside is the dark wine color, but who am I to complain?
This is the view from my kitchen window (and front yard). We overlook the golf course and can see the ocean. Today, due to some weather moving in, we can see whitecaps on the water. There is an island off the the left a bit. Not sure yet what it's name is, but we are going to try to find out. Lyle said he has already heard about the golf course (one of the two on base). There is such a demand for tee times that you have to enter your name in a lottery to be drawn to get a tee time, much less the time you want. But he isn't worried yet, since his golf stuff is still in transit.

Notice the similarity! Not so bad on base where they have Stop and Yield written in English, but the Japanese weren't so kind for the off base signs. I will be stopping at ALL triangular shaped signs.
And one final picture I had to share. We had the traditional Christmas Lasagne and salad dinner this year in TLF. Because I couldn't cook the family my Never Fail Butterhorn rolls, I asked Lyle to stop at the Commissary and pick out some good rolls. Imagine the look on my face when he brought home rolls that were better than good, they were Excellent!
Amazing how plain can really be...excellent!!
How were they, really?
They were pretty good, for store bought rolls. Of course we put butter on them, had we had them plain they might have been excellent :)
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